10. Parallel I/O

10.1. RAID


Fig. 10.1.1 Visualization of a RAID 5 system with disk failure at disk 0.


  1. Reconstruct the missing data from disk 0 in Fig. 10.1.1

  2. Briefly describe the difference between RAID 5 and RAID 6.

10.2. MPI-IO

POSIX provides a model for widely portable file system, but the portability and optimization required for parallel I/O cannot be achieved with the POSIX interface. MPI-IO is an alternative low-level interface specifically designed for parallel file I/O.


Before accessing a file in MPI it needs to be opened with MPI_File_open.

int MPI_File_open(MPI_Comm comm,
                  char *filename,
                  int amode,
                  MPI_Info info,
                  MPI_File * fh);
  • comm: Communicator of processes that will access file.

  • filename: name of the file.

  • amode: access mode of file (RDONLY, RDWR, WRONLY, …)

  • info: info object.

  • MPI_File: opened MPI file.


Before Finalizing MPI all files should be closed with MPI_File_close.

int MPI_File_close(MPI_File * fh);


Once a file is opened, it can be accessed with various MPI functions. MPI_File_write_at writes data to a file with an offset. Different offsets on different processes allow to write in parallel writing without interference.

int MPI_File_write_at(MPI_File fh,
                      MPI_Offset offset,
                      void *buf,
                      int count,
                      MPI_Datatype datatype,
                      MPI_Status * status);
  • fh: opened MPI file.

  • offset: the offset from the start of the file in bytes.

  • buf: pointer to array which is writen in the file.

  • count: number of elements written in the file.

  • datatype: datatype of array.

  • status: status object.


Mandelbrot with MPI-IO

  1. Adjust your implementation of the Mandelbrot-Set for MPI-IO

  2. Use the same specifications (real_min, reak_max, maxIterations, resolution, …) as in Task 9.3

  3. All processes should compute a part of the whole image.

  4. Use MPI-IO to write the partial images of all processes to a Portable Pixel Map(.ppm).

    • Write the color values as MPI_UINT8_T.

    • Use the Magic Number P6 to encode that the image is stored in byte format (one byte per color component).

  5. Be careful when using MPI-IO, start with only a few processes.