9. AArch64

This lab represents a short interlude from our hardware focus. For the time being we’ll shift our attention to the AArch64 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). An AArch64 instruction can be written in two ways:

  1. Through human-readable assembly code; or

  2. Through machine code which is understood directly by the processor.

In this lab we’ll first get a feeling for the ISA by writing a few simple functions in assembly code. Once this is accomplished, we’ll learn how to directly use and understand machine code in Section 10. Understanding machine code is not only helpful but crucial when studying the structure of processors.

9.1. Copying Data


Fig. 9.1.1 Left: Illustration of a load-store architecture. The ALU is only able to access data in registers. Data residing in the memory subsystem has to be loaded to registers first before it can be processed. Right: Illustration of AArch64’s 31 64-bit general purpose registers, the special registers ZR, SP, PC, and PSTATE. The architectural names of the general purpose registers are given through R0 - R30.

AArch64 is a load-store architecture (see Fig. 9.1.1). This means that instructions either perform memory accesses or operate on data in registers. Note that an instruction may not do both, i.e., access memory and process data, at the same time.

A memory access instruction transfers data from memory to the registers (load) or transfers data from the registers to memory (store). In this task we’ll copy data which is located at one memory location to another memory location. Since we cannot directly move data between two memory locations, we first load the data from the first location to the registers and then write it back to the target memory location. For this task we’ll use AArch64’s general purpose registers which are shown in Fig. 9.1.1.

Optional Note

Certain recent extensions of the Arm architecture violate the concept of a strict “load-store architecture” 🙄. One such example is the LDADD instruction which loads data from memory, adds a value in a register to it, and writes the result back to memory.

Listing 9.1.1 C++ driver for the C and assembly copy kernels.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

extern "C" {
  void copy_c( uint64_t const * i_a,
               uint64_t       * o_b );
  // TODO: uncomment
  //void copy_asm( uint64_t const * i_a,
  //               uint64_t       * o_b );

int main() {
  uint64_t l_a[7] = { 1, 21, 43, 78, 89, 91, 93 };

  uint64_t l_b_0[7] = { 0 };
  uint64_t l_b_1[7] = { 0 };

  // copy_c
  std::cout << "### calling copy_c ###" << std::endl;
  copy_c( l_a,
          l_b_0 );

  for( unsigned short l_va = 0; l_va < 7; l_va++ ) {
    std::cout << l_a[l_va] << " / " << l_b_0[l_va] << std::endl;

  // copy_asm
  std::cout << "### calling copy_asm ###" << std::endl;
  // TODO: uncomment
  // copy_asm( l_a,
  //           l_b_1 );

  for( unsigned short l_va = 0; l_va < 7; l_va++ ) {
    std::cout << l_a[l_va] << " / " << l_b_1[l_va] << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Listing 9.1.2 C copy kernel.
#include <stdint.h>

void copy_c( uint64_t const * i_a,
             uint64_t       * i_b ) {
  uint64_t l_tmp_0 = i_a[0];
  uint64_t l_tmp_1 = i_a[1];
  uint64_t l_tmp_2 = i_a[2];
  uint64_t l_tmp_3 = i_a[3];
  uint64_t l_tmp_4 = i_a[4];
  uint64_t l_tmp_5 = i_a[5];
  uint64_t l_tmp_6 = i_a[6];

  i_b[0] = l_tmp_0;
  i_b[1] = l_tmp_1;
  i_b[2] = l_tmp_2;
  i_b[3] = l_tmp_3;
  i_b[4] = l_tmp_4;
  i_b[5] = l_tmp_5;
  i_b[6] = l_tmp_6;
Listing 9.1.3 Template for the copy kernel in assembly language.
        .align 4
        .type   copy_asm, %function
        .global copy_asm
        // TODO: Implement copy_asm
        .size   copy_asm, (. - copy_asm)

The code in Listing 9.1.1 and Listing 9.1.3 provides the required boilerplate for your kernel. Further, a reference implementation of the copy function in C is given in Listing 9.1.2. Your task is to copy Listing 9.1.1’s seven 64-bit unsigned integer in array l_a to array l_b_1 by implementing the function copy_asm in assembly language.


Use the instructions LDR (immediate) and STR (immediate) for the loads and stores in your implementation. Do not implement any stack transfers and only use the first 18 general purpose registers, i.e., R0 - R17 to adhere the procedure call standard.

Use the flags -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Werror whenever invoking gcc or g++. Do this not only here but in all tasks.


  1. Implement the function copy_asm in the file copy_asm.s. Use the template in Listing 9.1.3 for your implementation. Follow the ideas of the C implementation in Listing 9.1.2, i.e., do not use any loops in your code.

  2. Compile the C kernel copy_c given in Listing 9.1.2 using the optimization flag -O2. Disassemble the compiler-generated machine code. Briefly explain the obtained assembly code.

  3. Implement a new function copy_asm_loop in the file copy_asm.s. In this implementation use a loop to copy the seven values.

9.2. Adding Two Arrays

Great, we are able to move data from A to B. Even better if we could process our data, don’t you think? Let’s do another simple example for this!

Assume that you have two memory addresses which are stored in the pointers l_a and l_b. Each address is the start of some 64-bit unsigned integer values consecutively stored in memory. For example, if you have 10 values, each array is 10 \times 64 bits = 640 bits large. This is the same as 80 bytes per array or 160 bytes for all values together.

Now, our goal is to add the values in the two arrays l_a and l_b, and store the result at a third location in memory. Getting the data into the general purpose registers and back to memory is simple, we just programmed a kernel for this in Section 9.1. The only missing piece of the puzzle is an instruction which processes the data and effectively adds the values in two general purpose registers. For this, we once again have a look at the base instructions of the ISA. ADD (shifted register) is a suitable instruction.

Listing 9.2.1 C++ driver for the C and assembly addition kernels.
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

extern "C" {
  void add_c( uint64_t         i_n_values,
              uint64_t const * i_a,
              uint64_t const * i_b,
              uint64_t       * o_c );
  void add_asm( uint64_t         i_n_values,
                uint64_t const * i_a,
                uint64_t const * i_b,
                uint64_t       * o_c );

int main() {
  uint64_t l_n_values = 10;

  // init pointers
  uint64_t * l_a = nullptr;
  uint64_t * l_b = nullptr;
  uint64_t * l_c_0 = nullptr;
  uint64_t * l_c_1 = nullptr;

  // allocate memory
  l_a   = (uint64_t *) new uint64_t[ l_n_values ];
  l_b   = (uint64_t *) new uint64_t[ l_n_values ];
  l_c_0 = (uint64_t *) new uint64_t[ l_n_values ];
  l_c_1 = (uint64_t *) new uint64_t[ l_n_values ];

  // init arrays
  for( std::size_t l_va = 0; l_va < l_n_values; l_va++ ) {
    l_a[l_va] = l_va;
    l_b[l_va] = l_va*2;
    l_c_0[l_va] = 0;
    l_c_1[l_va] = 0;

  // add_c
  std::cout << "### calling add_c ###" << std::endl;
  add_c( l_n_values,
         l_c_0 );

  for( std::size_t l_va = 0; l_va < l_n_values; l_va++ ) {
    std::cout << l_a[l_va] << " / " << l_b[l_va] << " / " << l_c_0[l_va] << std::endl;

  // add_asm
  std::cout << "### calling add_asm ###" << std::endl;
  add_asm( l_n_values,
           l_c_1 );

  for( std::size_t l_va = 0; l_va < l_n_values; l_va++ ) {
    std::cout << l_a[l_va] << " / " << l_b[l_va] << " / " << l_c_1[l_va] << std::endl;

  // free memory
  delete [] l_a;
  delete [] l_b;
  delete [] l_c_0;
  delete [] l_c_1;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Listing 9.2.2 C kernel which adds the i_n_values values of the two arrays i_a and i_b and writes them to o_c.
#include <stdint.h>

void add_c( uint64_t         i_n_values,
            uint64_t const * i_a,
            uint64_t const * i_b,
            uint64_t       * o_c ) {
  for( uint64_t l_va = 0; l_va < i_n_values; l_va++ ) {
    uint64_t l_tmp_a = i_a[l_va];
    uint64_t l_tmp_b = i_b[l_va];
    uint64_t l_tmp_c = l_tmp_a + l_tmp_b;

    o_c[l_va] = l_tmp_c;

Once again, to supercharge your coding, a template for the required C++ driver is given in Listing 9.2.1. Further, a reference C implementation of the addition kernel is given in Listing 9.2.2. Thus, the only missing part is the assembly kernel: Time to get to work!


  1. Implement the function add_asm in assembly language and use the file add_asm.s for your implementation. Follow the ideas of the C implementation in Listing 9.2.2.

  2. Compile the C kernel add_c given in Listing 9.2.2 using the optimization flag -O2. Disassemble the compiler-generated machine code. Briefly explain the obtained assembly code!

9.3. Computing Fibonacci Numbers

Let’s program something useful for a change 😂. The Fibonacci numbers are given by the following sequence:

F_0 &= 0,\\
F_1 &= 1,\\
F_n &= F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} \quad \forall n \ge 2.

Listing 9.3.1 provides the usual C++ driver. As shown in line 6 and 7, the C and assembly functions take the id n as input and return the respective Fibonacci number, i.e., F_n. Once again, we’ll get started by implementing a C function which is somewhat close to assembly code. This will then be our recipe for the assembly variant.

Listing 9.3.1 Driver for the C and assembly kernels which compute Fibonacci numbers.
 1#include <cstdint>
 2#include <cstdlib>
 3#include <iostream>
 5extern "C" {
 6  uint64_t fibonacci_c( uint64_t i_id );
 7  uint64_t fibonacci_asm( uint64_t i_id );
10int main() {
11  uint64_t l_id = 5;
12  uint64_t l_number_0 = 0;
13  uint64_t l_number_1 = 0;
15  // fibonacci_c
16  std::cout << "### fibonacci_c ###" << std::endl;
17  l_number_0 = fibonacci_c( l_id );
19  std::cout << "id / number: " << l_id << " / " << l_number_0 << std::endl;
21  // fibonacci_asm
22  std::cout << "### fibonacci_asm ###" << std::endl;
23  l_number_1 = fibonacci_asm( l_id );
25  std::cout << "id / number: " << l_id << " / " << l_number_1 << std::endl;
27  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  1. Implement the reference version fibonacci_c in the file fibonacci_c.c. Try to keep your implementation close to what you would do in assembly language.

  2. Implement the assembly version fibonacci_asm in the file fibonacci_asm.s. Keep your implementation dynamic, i.e., the function should accept n as input argument. This is also underlined by the function declaration’s argument uint64_t i_id in line 7 of Listing 9.3.1.


    Keep in mind the procedure call standard, i.e., the compiler will make the input i_id available in X0. You have to return the uint64_t result in X0 as well.